IMAGE PROCESSING Image transforms and its properties:Unitary transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Walsh Transform, Hadamard Transform



Unit II: Image transforms and its properties:

Covered Topics: Unit II : Image transforms and its properties:Unitary transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Walsh Transform, Hadamard Transform.

Image transforms and its properties:

Image transforms are mathematical operations that convert an image or a set of images from one domain to another. These transforms play a crucial role in image processing for tasks such as feature extraction, compression, enhancement, and analysis. Here are some common image transforms and their properties:

1. Fourier Transform:

   - The Fourier Transform decomposes an image into its frequency components. It converts an image from the spatial domain to the frequency domain, revealing information about the image's frequency content.

     - Linearity: The Fourier Transform is a linear operation.

     - Shift Invariance: Shifting an image in the spatial domain corresponds to a phase shift in the frequency domain.

     - Convolution: Multiplying the Fourier Transforms of two images is equivalent to convolving the original images in the spatial domain.

2. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT):

   - The DFT is the discrete version of the Fourier Transform. It is applied to sampled images, providing a discrete representation of the frequency content.

   - Periodicity: The DFT assumes periodicity, which can lead to aliasing effects.

   - Complex Numbers: The DFT produces complex numbers, representing amplitude and phase information.

3. Wavelet Transform:

   - The Wavelet Transform analyzes an image at multiple scales, capturing both high and low-frequency components simultaneously. It is useful for multi-resolution analysis.

     - Localization: Wavelets provide good localization in both frequency and spatial domains.

     - Multi-Resolution: Wavelet transforms offer a multi-resolution analysis, allowing the representation of details at different scales.

4. Haar Transform:

   - The Haar Transform is a simple wavelet transform that divides an image into non-overlapping blocks and computes the average and difference values.

     - Orthogonality: Haar Transform is orthogonal, making it computationally efficient.

     - Binary Representation: Haar coefficients are binary, facilitating image compression.

5. Hough Transform:

   - The Hough Transform is used for detecting shapes within an image, especially lines and circles.

     - Parameterization: It parameterizes lines and circles in terms of slope and intercept or radius and center.

     - Robustness: Hough Transform is robust to noise and can detect patterns even in the presence of outliers.

6. Radon Transform:

   - The Radon Transform is used in tomography for reconstructing images from their projections.

     - Line Integrals: The Radon Transform computes line integrals through an image at different angles.

     - Inverse Transform: The Inverse Radon Transform reconstructs an image from its projections.

7. Z-Transform:

   - The Z-Transform is commonly used in image processing for analyzing discrete signals in the frequency domain.

     - Region of Convergence: The Z-Transform is valid within a specific region of convergence.

     - Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Relationships: It provides a link between time-domain and frequency-domain representations.

8. Principal Component Analysis (PCA):

   - PCA is a statistical technique used for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction. It transforms the original features into a set of uncorrelated variables.

     - Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: PCA identifies eigenvalues and eigenvectors to represent the principal components.

     - Variance Maximization: PCA aims to maximize the variance along the principal components.

9. Mellin Transform:

   - The Mellin Transform is used for shape analysis and feature extraction. It characterizes an object's geometry.

     - Scale and Rotation Invariance: The Mellin Transform provides scale and rotation-invariant representations.

     - Geometric Features: It captures geometric features based on the logarithmic radial profile.

10. Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT):

    - The FrFT is a generalization of the Fourier Transform, allowing fractional orders to control the rotation between time and frequency domains.

      - Variable Rotations: FrFT enables variable rotations between time and frequency domains.

      - Special Cases: When the order is an integer, FrFT reduces to the conventional Fourier Transform.

Image transforms and their properties is crucial for selecting appropriate techniques for specific image processing tasks. Each transform offers unique advantages and is suited to different applications and types of images.

Unitary transform

A unitary transform is a type of linear transformation that preserves the inner product and norm of vectors. In the context of image processing, unitary transforms are often used to convert an image or signal from one representation to another while maintaining important properties. Two common examples of unitary transforms are the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).

1. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT):

   - Description: The DFT is a unitary transform that converts a signal or image from its spatial domain to its frequency domain.

   - Unitary Property: The DFT is unitary, meaning that the inner product of vectors in the spatial domain is preserved in the frequency domain.

   - Equation: If X is the DFT of a signal or image x, then the unitary property is expressed as:

   where y[n] denotes the complex conjugate of y[n], and X[k] is the k-th frequency component of the DFT.

2. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT):

   - Description: The DWT is a unitary transform that decomposes an image or signal into approximation and detail coefficients across multiple scales.

   - Unitary Property: The DWT is unitary, meaning that the energy of the signal is preserved during the transformation.

   - Equation: For a 1D signal x and its DWT coefficients c and d, the unitary property is expressed as:

   where ||x|| is the energy of the original signal, and ||c|| and ||d|| are the energies of the approximation and detail coefficients, respectively.

3. Properties of Unitary Transforms:

   - Preservation of Inner Product: If U is a unitary transform, then for any vectors x and y:


   - Preservation of Norm: The norm (magnitude) of a vector is preserved under a unitary transform:


4. Applications in Image Processing:

   - Energy Preservation: Unitary transforms ensure that the energy content of an image or signal is conserved during the transformation.

   - Compression: Unitary transforms are often used in image compression algorithms, such as JPEG for DCT (a form of the DFT) and certain wavelet-based compression methods.

   - Signal Analysis: Unitary transforms facilitate the analysis of signals in different domains, such as frequency analysis using the DFT or multi-resolution analysis using the DWT.

Understanding and utilizing unitary transforms in image processing are essential for various applications, particularly when preserving energy, transforming between domains, and achieving efficient compression.

Discrete Fourier Transform:

The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is a mathematical technique that transforms a finite sequence of data points from its original domain (often time or space) into another domain, namely the frequency domain. It is a fundamental tool in signal processing and image analysis for analyzing the frequency content of discrete signals. The DFT is particularly important in image processing for tasks such as image compression, filtering, and frequency-based analysis.


1. Mathematical Representation:

   - For a sequence of N complex numbers



   - Here, X(k) represents the kth frequency component in the frequency domain, and x(n) are the values in the original sequence.

2. Complex Numbers and Phase:

   - The DFT produces complex numbers in the frequency domain, where the magnitude represents the amplitude of the corresponding frequency, and the phase represents its phase angle.

3. Frequency Components:

   - The DFT decomposes a signal into its constituent frequency components. The lower indices in the DFT result correspond to lower frequencies, and higher indices correspond to higher frequencies.

4. Inverse DFT (IDFT):

   - The IDFT is the reverse operation of the DFT and transforms frequency domain information back to the original spatial or temporal domain.


5. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT):

   - The FFT is an efficient algorithm for computing the DFT. It reduces the computational complexity of the DFT from O(N^2) to O(N log N), making it practical for real-time applications.

6. Applications in Image Processing:

   - **Image Compression:** DFT is used in image compression techniques such as JPEG. It transforms image data into frequency components, allowing for efficient compression by discarding less critical frequency information.

   - **Filtering:** DFT is applied in frequency domain filtering, where specific frequency components can be enhanced or suppressed to achieve image filtering operations like blurring or sharpening.

   - **Pattern Recognition:** DFT helps in analyzing the frequency content of patterns in images, aiding in tasks like object recognition and feature extraction.

   - **Convolution and Correlation:** DFT is employed in convolution and correlation operations, facilitating efficient spatial domain operations through frequency domain processing.

7. Properties:

   - **Linearity:** The DFT is a linear transformation.

   - **Shift Invariance:** Shifting a signal in the spatial domain corresponds to a phase shift in the frequency domain.

   - **Symmetry:** For real-valued signals, the magnitude spectrum is symmetric around the Nyquist frequency.

   - **Parseval's Theorem:** The sum of squared magnitudes in the time domain equals the sum of squared magnitudes in the frequency domain.

8. Windowing:

   - Before applying the DFT, it is common to use windowing functions to reduce artifacts caused by sharp transitions in the signal.

The Discrete Fourier Transform is a powerful tool for analyzing the frequency characteristics of signals, including images. Its application in image processing spans various domains, from compression to filtering and frequency-based analysis.

Discrete Cosine Transform :

The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is a mathematical transformation widely used in signal processing and image compression. It is particularly prevalent in image and video compression standards, such as JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) for still images and MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) for videos. The DCT helps to represent a signal or image in a more compact form by concentrating its energy in fewer coefficients, making it well-suited for compression applications.

 Key Characteristics of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT):

1. Mathematical Representation:

   - For a sequence of N real or complex numbers  0,1,,1, the DCT is defined by the formula:


   - Here, X(u) represents the uth frequency component in the frequency domain, and C(u) is a normalization factor defined as:

C(u)={21,1,if u=0otherwise

2. Real-Valued Output:

   - The DCT produces a set of real-valued coefficients in the frequency domain. This is in contrast to the Complex Fourier Transform, which yields complex-valued coefficients.

3. Energy Concentration:

   - The DCT tends to concentrate the signal's energy in a small number of coefficients, allowing for efficient compression by quantizing and discarding coefficients of lower importance.

4. Energy Compaction Property:

   - A significant portion of the signal energy is often captured by a small number of DCT coefficients. This property is exploited in compression algorithms, where the lower-energy coefficients can be discarded without significant loss of image quality.

5. DCT Types:

   - Different types of DCT exist, such as DCT-I, DCT-II, DCT-III, and DCT-IV, each with specific mathematical formulations. DCT-II, commonly known as the standard DCT, is widely used in image compression.

6. Applications in Image Compression:

   - JPEG Compression: The JPEG compression standard utilizes the DCT to transform image blocks into the frequency domain. The resulting coefficients are quantized, and many of them are set to zero during compression.

   - Video Compression: DCT is employed in video compression standards like MPEG, where motion compensation and DCT-based compression are used to achieve efficient coding of video sequences.

7. Properties:

   - Orthogonality: The DCT is an orthogonal transform, meaning that the inverse transform is the transpose of the forward transform.

   - Symmetry: The DCT exhibits even symmetry, which simplifies its computation.

8. Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT):

   - The IDCT is used to reconstruct the original signal or image from its DCT coefficients. It is the reverse process of the DCT.

9. Windowing and Overlapping:

   - In practice, windowing and overlapping techniques are often applied to the input signal or image blocks before applying the DCT to mitigate artifacts caused by sharp transitions.

The Discrete Cosine Transform plays a central role in various image and video compression standards, contributing to the efficient representation of visual content with reduced data storage requirements.

Walsh Transform :

The Walsh Transform, also known as the Hadamard Transform or Walsh-Hadamard Transform, is a mathematical transform that operates on a sequence of binary values. It is named after Joseph Walsh and Jacques Hadamard, both of whom made significant contributions to its development. The Walsh Transform is closely related to the Hadamard Matrix, which is a square matrix that can be used to perform the transform.

Key Characteristics of Walsh Transform:

1. **Definition:**

   - For a sequence of N binary values , the Walsh Transform is defined by multiplying the input sequence with a Hadamard Matrix:


   - Here, X(k) represents the kth component in the Walsh spectrum, and  is the element at the kth row and nth column of the Hadamard Matrix.

2. **Hadamard Matrix:**

   - The Hadamard Matrix is a square matrix with entries of +1 and -1, and each row is orthogonal to every other row. It can be recursively constructed, and its size is a power of 2 (e.g., 2x2, 4x4, 8x8, etc.).

3. **Orthogonality:**

   - Like the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), the Walsh Transform is an orthogonal transform. The rows of the Hadamard Matrix are mutually orthogonal, leading to simple and efficient computation.

4. **Binary Input and Output:**

   - The Walsh Transform operates on binary input sequences (0s and 1s) and produces binary output sequences. Each output value corresponds to a specific Walsh function.

5. **Inverse Walsh Transform:**

   - Similar to other transforms, the Walsh Transform has an inverse operation that allows reconstruction of the original sequence from its Walsh spectrum.

6. **Walsh Functions:**

   - The individual components of the Walsh Transform are known as Walsh functions. Each Walsh function is associated with a unique pattern of +1s and -1s.

7. **Applications:**

   - **Digital Signal Processing:** The Walsh Transform has applications in digital signal processing, particularly in areas like communication systems and spread spectrum techniques.

   - **Error Detection and Correction:** Walsh functions are used in error detection and correction codes.

   - **Image and Signal Compression:** While not as widely used as other transforms like the DCT or Wavelet Transform, the Walsh Transform has been explored for image and signal compression.

8. **Fast Walsh Transform (FWT):**

   - Similar to the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), the Fast Walsh Transform is an algorithmic approach to compute the Walsh Transform efficiently, reducing the computational complexity from

to (log).

9. **Relationship with Hadamard Transform:**

   - The Walsh Transform is closely related to the Hadamard Transform. In fact, for certain sequences, the Walsh and Hadamard Transforms are identical.

10. **Bitwise XOR Operation:**

    - The Walsh Transform can be computed using a bitwise XOR operation, making it suitable for hardware implementation and efficient computation.

11. **Hardware Implementation:**

    - Due to its suitability for bitwise operations, the Walsh Transform is often implemented efficiently in hardware, making it valuable in applications with resource constraints.

The Walsh Transform, while not as ubiquitous as some other transforms like the Fourier or Cosine Transforms, finds applications in specific domains, particularly in digital communication, coding theory, and hardware-oriented scenarios. Its ability to efficiently handle binary data makes it relevant in contexts where binary sequences play a crucial role.

Hadamard Transform: 

The Hadamard Transform, also known as the Hadamard-Walsh Transform, is a mathematical transformation used to convert a sequence of values into another sequence. It is closely related to the Walsh Transform, and the terms are often used interchangeably. The Hadamard Transform finds applications in various fields, including signal processing, quantum computing, and error-correcting codes.

Key Characteristics of the Hadamard Transform:

1. **Definition:**

   - For a sequence of N real or complex values x0,x1,,xN1 , the Hadamard Transform is defined as:

   - Here, \(X(k)\) represents the kth component in the Hadamard spectrum, and \(H_{kn}\) is the element at the kth row and nth column of the Hadamard Matrix.

2. **Hadamard Matrix:**

   - The Hadamard Matrix is a square matrix with entries of +1 and -1. Each row is orthogonal to every other row. The Hadamard Matrix can be recursively constructed, and its size is a power of 2.

3. **Orthogonality:**

   - Like the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), the Hadamard Transform is an orthogonal transform. The rows of the Hadamard Matrix are mutually orthogonal, simplifying computation.

4. **Binary Input and Output:**

   - The Hadamard Transform operates on binary input sequences (0s and 1s) and produces binary output sequences. Each output value corresponds to a specific Hadamard function.

5. **Inverse Hadamard Transform:**

   - Similar to other transforms, the Hadamard Transform has an inverse operation that allows the reconstruction of the original sequence from its Hadamard spectrum.

6. **Hadamard Functions:**

   - The individual components of the Hadamard Transform are known as Hadamard functions. Each Hadamard function is associated with a unique pattern of +1s and -1s.

7. **Applications:**

   - **Quantum Computing:** The Hadamard Transform is a fundamental gate in quantum computing, used to create superpositions of quantum states.

   - **Error Detection and Correction:** Hadamard codes derived from the Hadamard Matrix are employed in error-correcting codes and cryptography.

   - **Signal Processing:** Hadamard Transforms are used in various signal processing applications, such as filtering and feature extraction.

8. **Fast Hadamard Transform (FHT):**

   - Similar to the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), the Fast Hadamard Transform is an algorithmic approach to compute the Hadamard Transform efficiently, reducing the computational complexity.

9. **Relationship with Walsh Transform:**

   - The Hadamard Transform is closely related to the Walsh Transform, and for certain sequences, they are identical.

10. **Bitwise Operations:**

    - The Hadamard Transform can be efficiently implemented using bitwise operations, making it suitable for hardware implementation and efficient computation.

The Hadamard Transform is a versatile mathematical tool with applications ranging from signal processing to quantum computing. Understanding its properties and applications is valuable in various fields where efficient transformations and orthogonal representations are essential.