OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Domain Models: Domain Model, Need of Create a Domain Model, create a Domain Model, Conceptual Classes, Sketching a Class Diagram, Common Mistake with Attributes vs. Classes, Associations, Attributes. System Sequence Diagrams: System Sequence Diagrams, Need of SSD, Relationship between SSDs and Use Cases, Naming System Events and Operations, Model SSDs Involving Other External Systems, Process: Iterative and Evolutionary SSDs, Operation Contracts

Introduction To All Topics of unit 3 in Object Oriented Analysis And Design

Domain Models: Domain Model, Need of Create a Domain Model, create a Domain Model, Conceptual Classes, Sketching a Class Diagram, Common Mistake with Attributes vs. Classes, Associations, Attributes. System Sequence Diagrams: System Sequence Diagrams, Need of SSD, Relationship between SSDs and Use Cases, Naming System Events and Operations, Model SSDs Involving Other External Systems, Process: Iterative and Evolutionary SSDs, Operation Contracts.

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - Unit 3 Topics

Domain Models:

Domain Model:

A domain model is a conceptual framework used in software engineering to represent the structure, behavior, and relationships of the entities within a specific problem domain. It serves as a blueprint for understanding the key concepts, rules, and interactions that govern the domain and guides the development of software systems tailored to address domain-specific requirements.

Need for Creating a Domain Model:

Creating a domain model is essential for eliciting, organizing, and documenting the essential aspects of the problem domain. It helps stakeholders and development teams gain a comprehensive understanding of the domain's intricacies, including its vocabulary, rules, constraints, and relationships. By clarifying domain concepts and requirements, a domain model facilitates effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making throughout the software development lifecycle.

Creating a Domain Model:

The process of creating a domain model involves several steps, starting with domain analysis to identify relevant concepts, entities, and their relationships. Domain experts, stakeholders, and development teams collaborate to gather requirements, define domain concepts, and model their interactions using appropriate techniques such as object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) or domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs). The resulting domain model typically consists of class diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, and other visual representations that capture the structure and behavior of the domain entities.

Conceptual Classes:

Conceptual classes represent the fundamental entities or concepts within the problem domain. They encapsulate both data (attributes) and behavior (methods) related to specific domain concepts, providing a semantic abstraction of real-world entities. Conceptual classes serve as the building blocks of the domain model and form the basis for defining more detailed system components during the software design phase.

Sketching a Class Diagram:

Class diagrams are a graphical representation of the domain model, depicting the structure and relationships of conceptual classes. Sketching a class diagram involves identifying domain entities, attributes, associations, and inheritance relationships and illustrating them using standardized notation such as UML (Unified Modeling Language). Class diagrams help visualize the organization of domain concepts and provide a visual roadmap for designing software systems that align with the domain requirements.

Common Mistakes with Attributes vs. Classes:

One common mistake in domain modeling is conflating attributes with classes. Attributes represent the properties or characteristics of domain entities, while classes represent the entities themselves. Confusing attributes with classes can lead to overly simplistic or inaccurate domain models that fail to capture the complexity of the problem domain. To avoid this mistake, it's important to carefully differentiate between attributes and classes and accurately model their relationships within the domain model.


Associations represent the relationships between domain entities, defining how they are connected or interact with each other. Associations can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many, depending on the cardinality and multiplicity of the relationship. By identifying and modeling associations between domain entities, the domain model captures the dependencies and interactions that govern the behavior of the system.

System Sequence Diagrams:

System Sequence Diagrams (SSDs):

A System Sequence Diagram (SSD) is a visual representation of the interactions between external actors and the system under design. It illustrates the sequence of messages exchanged between actors and the system to accomplish specific system functions or use cases. SSDs provide a high-level overview of system behavior and aid in requirements analysis, system design, and validation.

Need for SSDs:

SSDs are essential for capturing and visualizing system interactions from the perspective of external actors. By illustrating the flow of control and data between actors and the system, SSDs help stakeholders and development teams understand how the system responds to external stimuli and how it achieves its intended functionality. SSDs serve as valuable artifacts for requirements elicitation, validation, and communication throughout the software development lifecycle.

Relationship between SSDs and Use Cases:

SSDs are closely related to use cases, as each SSD typically corresponds to a single use case scenario. A use case represents a sequence of interactions between actors and the system to achieve a specific goal or task. By modeling SSDs for each use case, development teams can gain insights into the system's behavior, validate use case scenarios, and refine system requirements iteratively.

Naming System Events and Operations:

Clear and descriptive naming of system events and operations is essential for understanding system behavior and ensuring consistency in system design. System events represent the triggers or stimuli that initiate interactions with the system, while operations denote the system's responses to these events. By naming system events and operations accurately, development teams can communicate system functionality effectively and ensure alignment with stakeholder expectations.

Modeling SSDs Involving Other External Systems:

SSDs may involve interactions with other external systems or components, requiring the modeling of these interactions. This entails identifying relevant actors, events, and operations and depicting them within the SSD to capture the system's external dependencies and integration points effectively. By modeling SSDs involving other external systems, development teams can ensure comprehensive coverage of system interactions and dependencies, facilitating the design of robust and interoperable software systems.

Process: Iterative and Evolutionary SSDs:

SSDs can be developed iteratively and evolve over time as system requirements are refined and system functionality is elaborated. This iterative and evolutionary development process allows SSDs to be refined, validated, and updated iteratively based on feedback from stakeholders and changes in project priorities. By adopting an iterative and evolutionary approach to SSD development, development teams can ensure that SSDs accurately reflect system behavior and remain aligned with evolving project requirements.

Operation Contracts:

Operation contracts specify the preconditions, postconditions, and invariants associated with system operations, defining the expected behavior and outcomes of each operation. By documenting operation contracts, development teams can clarify system functionality, validate system behavior, and guide the implementation of system operations effectively. Operation contracts serve as valuable artifacts for requirements validation, system testing, and quality assurance, ensuring that the final system meets user needs and stakeholder expectations.

This comprehensive overview covers the key concepts and topics related to domain models and system sequence diagrams in object-oriented analysis and design. By understanding these concepts, development teams can effectively model problem domains, capture system requirements, and design software systems that meet user needs and business objectives.

Domain Models:

Domain Model:

A domain model is a conceptual framework used in software engineering to represent the structure, behavior, and relationships of the entities within a specific problem domain. It serves as a blueprint for understanding the key concepts, rules, and interactions that govern the domain and guides the development of software systems tailored to address domain-specific requirements.

Need for Creating a Domain Model:

Creating a domain model is essential for eliciting, organizing, and documenting the essential aspects of the problem domain. It helps stakeholders and development teams gain a comprehensive understanding of the domain's intricacies, including its vocabulary, rules, constraints, and relationships. By clarifying domain concepts and requirements, a domain model facilitates effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making throughout the software development lifecycle.

Creating a Domain Model:

The process of creating a domain model involves several steps, starting with domain analysis to identify relevant concepts, entities, and their relationships. Domain experts, stakeholders, and development teams collaborate to gather requirements, define domain concepts, and model their interactions using appropriate techniques such as object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) or domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs). The resulting domain model typically consists of class diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, and other visual representations that capture the structure and behavior of the domain entities.

Conceptual Classes:

Conceptual classes represent the fundamental entities or concepts within the problem domain. They encapsulate both data (attributes) and behavior (methods) related to specific domain concepts, providing a semantic abstraction of real-world entities. Conceptual classes serve as the building blocks of the domain model and form the basis for defining more detailed system components during the software design phase.

Sketching a Class Diagram:

Class diagrams are a graphical representation of the domain model, depicting the structure and relationships of conceptual classes. Sketching a class diagram involves identifying domain entities, attributes, associations, and inheritance relationships and illustrating them using standardized notation such as UML (Unified Modeling Language). Class diagrams help visualize the organization of domain concepts and provide a visual roadmap for designing software systems that align with the domain requirements.

Common Mistakes with Attributes vs. Classes:

One common mistake in domain modeling is conflating attributes with classes. Attributes represent the properties or characteristics of domain entities, while classes represent the entities themselves. Confusing attributes with classes can lead to overly simplistic or inaccurate domain models that fail to capture the complexity of the problem domain. To avoid this mistake, it's important to carefully differentiate between attributes and classes and accurately model their relationships within the domain model.


Associations represent the relationships between domain entities, defining how they are connected or interact with each other. Associations can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many, depending on the cardinality and multiplicity of the relationship. By identifying and modeling associations between domain entities, the domain model captures the dependencies and interactions that govern the behavior of the system.

System Sequence Diagrams:

System Sequence Diagrams (SSDs):

A System Sequence Diagram (SSD) is a visual representation of the interactions between external actors and the system under design. It illustrates the sequence of messages exchanged between actors and the system to accomplish specific system functions or use cases. SSDs provide a high-level overview of system behavior and aid in requirements analysis, system design, and validation.

Need for SSDs:

SSDs are essential for capturing and visualizing system interactions from the perspective of external actors. By illustrating the flow of control and data between actors and the system, SSDs help stakeholders and development teams understand how the system responds to external stimuli and how it achieves its intended functionality. SSDs serve as valuable artifacts for requirements elicitation, validation, and communication throughout the software development lifecycle.

Relationship between SSDs and Use Cases:

SSDs are closely related to use cases, as each SSD typically corresponds to a single use case scenario. A use case represents a sequence of interactions between actors and the system to achieve a specific goal or task. By modeling SSDs for each use case, development teams can gain insights into the system's behavior, validate use case scenarios, and refine system requirements iteratively.

Naming System Events and Operations:

Clear and descriptive naming of system events and operations is essential for understanding system behavior and ensuring consistency in system design. System events represent the triggers or stimuli that initiate interactions with the system, while operations denote the system's responses to these events. By naming system events and operations accurately, development teams can communicate system functionality effectively and ensure alignment with stakeholder expectations.

Modeling SSDs Involving Other External Systems:

SSDs may involve interactions with other external systems or components, requiring the modeling of these interactions. This entails identifying relevant actors, events, and operations and depicting them within the SSD to capture the system's external dependencies and integration points effectively. By modeling SSDs involving other external systems, development teams can ensure comprehensive coverage of system interactions and dependencies, facilitating the design of robust and interoperable software systems.

Process: Iterative and Evolutionary SSDs:

SSDs can be developed iteratively and evolve over time as system requirements are refined and system functionality is elaborated. This iterative and evolutionary development process allows SSDs to be refined, validated, and updated iteratively based on feedback from stakeholders and changes in project priorities. By adopting an iterative and evolutionary approach to SSD development, development teams can ensure that SSDs accurately reflect system behavior and remain aligned with evolving project requirements.

Operation Contracts:

Operation contracts specify the preconditions, postconditions, and invariants associated with system operations, defining the expected behavior and outcomes of each operation. By documenting operation contracts, development teams can clarify system functionality, validate system behavior, and guide the implementation of system operations effectively. Operation contracts serve as valuable artifacts for requirements validation, system testing, and quality assurance, ensuring that the final system meets user needs and stakeholder expectations.

This comprehensive overview covers the key concepts and topics related to domain models and system sequence diagrams in object-oriented analysis and design. By understanding these concepts, development teams can effectively model problem domains, capture system requirements, and design software systems that meet user needs and business objectives.