OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Applying GoF Design Patterns: Adapter(GoF), Factory, Singleton(GoF), Strategy (GoF), Composite ( GoF) and Other Design Principles, Façade (GoF), Observer (GoF). UML State Machine Diagrams and Modeling: Event, State and Transition, Apply State Machine Diagrams, More UML State Machine Diagram Notation, State Machine Diagrams in UP. Relating Use Cases: The include Relationship, The extend Relationship, The Generalize Relationship, Use Case Diagrams


Introduction To All Topics of unit 6 in Object Oriented Analysis And Design

Applying GoF Design Patterns: Adapter(GoF), Factory, Singleton(GoF), Strategy (GoF), Composite ( GoF) and 
Other Design Principles, Façade (GoF), Observer (GoF). UML State Machine Diagrams and Modeling: Event, State and Transition, Apply State Machine Diagrams, More UML State Machine Diagram Notation, State Machine Diagrams in UP. Relating Use Cases: The include Relationship, The extend Relationship, The Generalize Relationship, Use Case Diagrams.

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Topics

Applying GoF Design Patterns

Adapter (GoF):

  • Explanation of the Adapter pattern: its intent, structure, and participants.
  • Examples of real-world scenarios where the Adapter pattern is applicable.
  • Implementation guidelines and best practices for using the Adapter pattern in software design.
  • Advantages and limitations of the Adapter pattern.


  • Explanation of the Factory pattern: its purpose, variations (e.g., Simple Factory, Factory Method, Abstract Factory), and participants.
  • Illustrative examples showcasing different use cases for the Factory pattern.
  • Guidelines for implementing and choosing the appropriate variation of the Factory pattern based on design requirements.
  • Comparison with other creational patterns and scenarios where the Factory pattern is preferred.

Other Design Principles

Façade (GoF):

  • Overview of the Façade pattern: its purpose, structure, and benefits in simplifying complex subsystems.
  • Examples demonstrating the use of Façade to provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces or subsystems.
  • Design considerations for implementing a Façade, including managing dependencies and preserving encapsulation.
  • Comparison with other structural patterns (e.g., Adapter, Proxy) and scenarios where Façade is preferable.

Observer (GoF):

  • Explanation of the Observer pattern: its intent, structure, and participants (e.g., Subject, Observer).
  • Real-world examples illustrating scenarios where the Observer pattern is applicable, such as event handling and notifications.
  • Guidelines for implementing the Observer pattern in various programming languages and frameworks.
  • Considerations for managing subscriptions, event propagation, and avoiding memory leaks in Observer-based systems.

UML State Machine Diagrams and Modeling

Event, State, and Transition:

  • Explanation of key elements in UML State Machine Diagrams: events, states, and transitions.
  • Illustrative examples demonstrating the modeling of state-based behavior using UML State Machine Diagrams.
  • Guidelines for defining meaningful states, transitions, and events to accurately represent system behavior.
  • Considerations for modeling complex state-based systems and managing state transitions.

Relating Use Cases

The Generalize Relationship:

  • Explanation of the generalize relationship in Use Case Diagrams: its purpose, semantics, and implications.
  • Illustrative examples showcasing the use of generalization to model common behaviors and variations across use cases.
  • Guidelines for identifying and representing generalization relationships in Use Case Diagrams.
  • Considerations for managing abstraction, inheritance, and specialization in Use Case Modeling.

Applying GoF Design Patterns (Continued)

Singleton (GoF):

  • Explanation of the Singleton pattern: its purpose, structure, and participants.
  • Examples of scenarios where the Singleton pattern is applicable, such as managing access to a shared resource or controlling a unique system component.
  • Implementation techniques for creating a Singleton instance, including lazy initialization, eager initialization, and thread safety considerations.
  • Discussion on the advantages and limitations of the Singleton pattern, including its impact on testability, scalability, and maintainability.

Strategy (GoF):

  • Overview of the Strategy pattern: its intent, structure, and participants.
  • Real-world examples illustrating scenarios where the Strategy pattern is applicable, such as implementing different algorithms or behaviors dynamically.
  • Implementation guidelines for defining strategies and context classes, including the use of composition and delegation to achieve flexibility and extensibility.
  • Considerations for selecting appropriate strategies, managing strategy variations, and composing complex behaviors using the Strategy pattern.

Composite (GoF):

  • Explanation of the Composite pattern: its purpose, structure, and participants.
  • Examples demonstrating the use of the Composite pattern to represent hierarchical structures and treat individual objects and compositions uniformly.
  • Design considerations for implementing composite objects, including recursive traversal, component interfaces, and leaf-node distinctions.
  • Discussion on the advantages and limitations of the Composite pattern, such as transparent treatment of objects, ease of adding new components, and potential performance overhead.

UML State Machine Diagrams and Modeling (Continued)

Apply State Machine Diagrams:

  • Practical applications of UML State Machine Diagrams in software design and modeling.
  • Case studies showcasing the use of State Machine Diagrams to model complex behavior in real-world systems.
  • Techniques for refining and validating State Machine Diagrams through iterative development and feedback.
  • Integration of State Machine Diagrams with other UML diagrams (e.g., Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams) for comprehensive system modeling.

More UML State Machine Diagram Notation:

  • In-depth exploration of advanced notation and features in UML State Machine Diagrams.
  • Coverage of additional elements such as composite states, orthogonal regions, and entry/exit actions.
  • Examples demonstrating the use of hierarchical state machines and concurrent states in modeling complex system behavior.
  • Considerations for readability, clarity, and consistency in State Machine Diagram notation.

State Machine Diagrams in UP:

  • Integration of UML State Machine Diagrams with the Unified Process (UP) methodology.
  • Role of State Machine Diagrams in requirements analysis, system design, and implementation phases of UP.
  • Guidelines for incorporating State Machine Diagrams into UP artifacts such as use case models, class diagrams, and architectural views.
  • Best practices for collaboration and communication among stakeholders using State Machine Diagrams in UP projects.

Operations and Methods

Operations and methods represent the behaviors or actions that objects can perform within a software system. They encapsulate functionality and behavior, defining how objects interact and respond to messages. Operations are typically associated with classes and represent the externally visible behavior of objects, while methods are the internal implementation of operations, describing how they are executed. Understanding operations and methods is essential for defining the behavior of objects within a system and designing classes that encapsulate and implement the required functionality.

Relating Use Cases

The include Relationship:

  • Explanation of the include relationship in Use Case Diagrams: its purpose, semantics, and notation.
  • Examples illustrating scenarios where the include relationship is used to modularize and reuse common functionality across use cases.
  • Guidelines for identifying and representing include relationships in Use Case Diagrams.
  • Considerations for managing dependencies and ensuring consistency when using include relationships in Use Case Modeling.

The extend Relationship:

  • Explanation of the extend relationship in Use Case Diagrams: its purpose, semantics, and notation.
  • Illustrative examples showcasing the use of extend relationships to model optional or variant behavior in use cases.
  • Implementation considerations, including handling extension points, preconditions, and postconditions.
  • Comparison with other modeling techniques (e.g., alternative flows, decision nodes) and scenarios where extend relationships are preferred.

The Generalize Relationship:

  • Explanation of the generalize relationship in Use Case Diagrams: its purpose, semantics, and implications.
  • Illustrative examples showcasing the use of generalization to model common behaviors and variations across use cases.
  • Guidelines for identifying and representing generalization relationships in Use Case Diagrams.
  • Considerations for managing abstraction, inheritance, and specialization in Use Case Modeling.